Seat belts and restraints manufactured by APV Safety Products in Australia are Certified to a variety of Internationally recognised Standards depending on the design and intended application.

Australia & NZ Standards for Seat Belts
General Purpose Automotive Seat Belts,
- are maunfactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of the joint Australian/New Zealand standard for seat belts AS/NZS 2596. AS/NZS 2596 is the Australian standard for aftermarket replacement seat belts.
Automotive Vehicle or Application Specific Seat Belts,
- are manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of Australian Design Rules for Seat Belts for all ADR4 applications. Bus seating, Motor Homes and vehicles with Air Bags may fall in this certification category.
Industrial Equipment, Mobile Plant, Tractors, Construction and Mining applications,
- are manufactured & tested to the International Standard SAEJ386.
International Standards for Seat Belts
World markets have different Certification and Testing requirements based on local transport or safety regulations.
APV Safety Products can manufacture and Certify restraints to the following Regional and Global Standards:
- USA Automotive Standard FMVSS 209,
- European Automotive Registry requirement ECE R16 (commonly known as 'E' Standard).
Australia & NZ Standards for Child Restraints & Child Seat Accessories
There are specific requirements for young children in motor vehicles.
Regulations vary from country to country and sometimes within regions, so we recommend you check with local authorities concerning the requirements for your children.
There are two major Standards in the Australia / NZ market:
- AS/NZS1754 Child restraint systems for use in motor vehicles,
- AS/NZS8005 Accessories for child restraints for use in motor vehicles.
APV Safety Products can manufacture products to comply with these two Standards.
Australian Made

Quality Management
When manufacturing seat belts and occupant restraint systems, quality and standards compliance are critical factors.
APV-S has been an ISO9001 certified organization since 1996 and currently operates an AS9100 Quality System to ensure quality and product performance is maintained.
In addition:
- 'Standard Operational Procedures' are independently audited every year by BSI Benchmark for product level certification.
- APS-S operates a comprehensive Conformance of Production (COP) testing regime daily to ensure product is manufactured and components perform to the design requirements,
- The COP process is a combination of the requirements of some Standards, the APVS QMS and Customer requirements. These procedures and checks exceed the requirements of any one Standard